Rockshore Drive

Location Coeur d'Alene
Scope Of Work 4,000 sq ft Custom Home
Schedule 2005-2006

Project Detail

When we were asked about building this home for these amazing clients, I must say the lot gave new meaning to the street name, “Rockshore” Dr.  The lot consisted of a solid Basalt rock on a cliff overlooking the shores of Beautiful lake CDA.
Once we began carving out the site, we were able to work with soil engineers to see if the material was stable enough to balance the lot and actually grow the lots usable square footage.
After some soil tests and compaction tests, we were able to dramatically expand our building site and the best part, save my clients tens of thousands of dollars not having to export all the material as well.
Needless to say it was a pleasure to build this Beautiful residence for one of my favorite clients who – 15 years later, referred me to two of their closest friends.  We just finished their beautiful home this last year which is featured in our recent video.